Artist’s Name | Experience, media and groups they’d like to work with | Contact Details |
Poppy Smith
| Miniature construction, acrylic paintings and illustrations (visual artist) | 07487 578038 @pjsmithart |
Amanda Steer | Illustrator and Printmaker, Primary School Educator. Experienced in leading Nature Journalling workshops, primarily with adults but I have facilitated workshops for people of all ages and abilities, ideally, with a maximum group size of 10. Together, we walk, observe and sketch; the goal is not to create a masterpiece but to allow participants to connect with their environment, find joy, and embrace the seasons, sparking curiosity, inquiry and engagement. I also have experience illustrating at Climathon events, and for Infographic boards to connect people with places. | Instagram:@asamandadraws |
Jacqui Stearn | A published writer, largely poetry. I am a highly skilled workshop facilitator and offer pro bono creative writing workshops in my local community. I am in the midst of a Creative and Critical Writing MA, which includes teaching creative writing. | e-mail: phone: 07971 976093 website: Although some of my poetry is on this website I do not have a ‘poetry dedicated’ website as publishing on it counts as ‘publishing’ for the purposes of poetry journals and competitions. |
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