Established in 2002, Walking the Land facilitates projects amongst artists and within wider communities to link art, people and landscape.
Initiated by artists Kel Portman, Richard Keating and Tom Keating, with backgrounds in Landscape, Education and Community, they share and value first hand experience of sensory engagement with places.
Now larger in number, more diverse in background and location; Walking the Land have evolved, becoming a connected group who come together to focus on different creative projects.
Walking the Land are involved with and initiate projects which create exchange and synthesis between practitioners from art and non–art disciplines. In achieving projects, individuals assemble and express communities’ responses to landscape through multi disciplinary dialogue. We value the process, journey and works produced within our projects equally; as both energy and action. We share the research, artworks and artefacts from our projects in a range of ways so that we can learn and grow as practitioners, aiming to create new knowledge and links for the communities we are part of.
We are rule breakers and rule makers, beginners, experts or neither, we change and adapt our processes and our organisation from project to project as we form and work together. We are always looking for new ways of working, and new collaborators to work with, in order to further our aim of connecting art, landscape and community.
For more information please look through our project section and reach out by contacting us using the contact link above or the social media links below.